What should you do if you have a supply of Epsom salt lying around? Take it from actress/model Jessica Biel and two-time Olympic gold medalist Ashleigh Johnson, and make an Epsom salt bath! As you may know, Epsom salt has a lot of uses and benefits. The easiest way you can use it is by drawing yourself a nice, warm Epsom salt bath.
In this article, you’ll learn what you need for an Epsom salt bath. It includes the basics, including the kinds of Epsom salt soaks and add-ins you can put. Let’s start with what an Epsom salt bath is.
What Is an Epsom Salt Bath?

As you may have guessed, an Epsom salt bath is generally a bath using bath salts directly in the bath water. But, it’s much more than that. The Epsom salt, even in bath bombs, dissolves into magnesium sulfate. This compound is a great supplement for magnesium.
The enriched soak gives you the magnesium your body lacks. You can soak up this much-needed nutrient right through your skin. For just a couple of minutes a day, you’re all set.
Professionals like physiotherapists and physical therapists worth their salt recommend an Epsom salt soak for individuals in labour-intensive industries. Such fields include agriculture, teaching, nursing, and the like. Epsom salt baths can ease sore muscles after a long day of working.
What to Expect With an Epsom Salt Bath?

You might have questions about what an Epsom salt bath is like or what you should do. It’s not that different from a regular bath. Though, the added Epsom salt does improve your body’s overall health. It also gives you some surprises.
Finding a few specks of dirt in your bath isn’t that bad. Seeing a layer of black residue at the bottom of your tub is the same. The reason for this happening is because of your muscles. To be specific, it’s when your muscles loosen up.
The buildup of gunk in between the folds of your skin stays there, even after you scrub yourself clean. Sometimes, you still can’t reach those specific spots. Epsom salt does a great job of relaxing your body. It lets the dirt practically remove itself from your body.
The Types of Epsom Salt Bath
Epsom Salt Bath

Imagine a nice warm bath after a long workout, or even a very long day. Now, drop in the soothing properties of Epsom salt into the mix. Since these bath salts already relieve body soreness and muscle pain, it sounds like an excellent addition to your everyday routine.
What you’ll need to use:
- 1 ¼ -2 cups or 300-475 grams of Epsom salt
- 1 tablespoon of your favourite essential oil, like rose or lavender
- Warm water for your bath
- A clean bathtub
What you’ll need to do:
- Start filling up your bathtub with hot or warm water.
- Stir the essential oil in the Epsom salt. If you want a lavender bath, use lavender essential oils.
- Pour in your Epsom salt. Putting it under the running water can help the salt dissolve faster.
- Adjust the water if needed. The temperature should be warm but not scalding so you won’t burn yourself.
- Slowly climb in and enjoy your bath.
- Relax in the tub for around 10-15 minutes.
- You can rinse the Epsom salt bath water off if you’d like. It depends on you.
Epsom Salt Steam Shower

You don’t need a fancy bathtub to reap the rewards of an Epsom salt bath. With a regular hot shower, you can easily soak in the magnesium in Epsom salt through steam. Make a personal steam room with this Epsom salt bath trick.
What you’ll need to use:
- ½-1 cup or 120-240 grams of Epsom salt
- A clean basin or a dish
- Warm water
What you’ll need to do:
- Pour the Epsom salt into the small dish or basin you have.
- Put enough warm water over the Epsom salt to moisten it.
- Find a relatively dry spot inside the shower. Situate the dish right there. Make sure that it’s still in the shower with you.
- After that, shower as you’d normally do. It could be hot or cold, though a hot shower does help with the steam.
- If you don’t prefer using a dish, sprinkle Epsom salt all over the shower floor. Be careful not to slip.
Epsom Salt Scrub

Another brilliant way to incorporate Epsom salt into your daily routine is to use it as a body scrub. You don’t need a tub, and it’ll feel like those expensive scrubs at the spa. Use the benefits of improved blood circulation and exfoliation right in your own home!
What you’ll need to use:
- 1 cup or 240 grams of Epsom salt
- ¼ cup or 60 ml of any carrier oil like coconut, jojoba, grapeseed, sweet almond, avocado, or olive oil
- 10-20 drops of your favourite essential oils like lavender, eucalyptus, or rosemary
- 1 tablespoon of add-ins like herbs or coffee ground, optional
- A large bowl
- A wooden spoon
- A large clean jar
- A sink trap, optional (if you used add-ins)
What you’ll need to do:
- Get your bowl ready. Pour in your Epsom salt and carrier oil.
- Combine them with a spoon or your hands. The consistency should be paste-like or even like wet sand.
- Add in the essential oils and add-ins, if you have any. Make sure that they’re well-incorporated.
- Gently apply the Epsom salt scrub all over your body. Give your skin a massage by using circular motions.
- Don’t forget to rinse the scrub off after. You can use hot or cold water for this part.
- If you use add-ins, a sink trap will help keep the herbs from getting stuck in the drain.
- Store any leftover Epsom salt scrub in a clean jar for your next shower or bath.
The Restrictions of Epsom Salt Baths

Having a more luxurious experience during bath time does help us relax. Some rose petals and a few drops of essential oils seem harmless enough. However, before adding anything, check first with yourself.
If you have a flaring skin condition like eczema, an Epsom salt bath lowers your discomfort. As for essential oils, some kinds might make the flare-up worse. Allergic reactions do happen. Do a spot test or ask your doctor first before adding all the additives you want in your bath water.
Epsom salt baths are safe for people of all ages. Since it improves brain activity, parents prefer utilizing an Epsom salt soak for their kids every once in a while. But, you have to consider a typical kid’s behaviour during bath time.
Children, especially babies, don’t have the best self-control. More often than not, they’ll be a little rowdy. They might end up accidentally ingesting some of the bath water. Because of the taste, a baby will cough it up, trying to gag it out.
If they take it in, possible side effects include bloating, an upset stomach, and maybe diarrhoea. Even if that’s the case, it’s best not to panic. Kindly wipe off the excess Epsom salt bath water from their mouths, give them water, and call your local authorities for help.
Hot Tub Usage
Finding the right temperature for your Epsom salt bath is crucial. Not only does it aid in your relaxation, but it also helps with magnesium absorption. You might think adding Epsom salt to your hot tub is okay. Well, not really.
Hot tubs have to have a certain pH level. It should be in the range of 7.2-7.8, give or take. Mixing in some Epsom salt will disrupt its delicate balance. Besides, you can’t have bath salts with those jets. You get the best results with still water.
In Conclusion
An Epsom salt bath is easier to make than you think. By adding some Epsom salt to your tub with warm water, you can already soak up the magnesium you need. If there’s a bit of black residue after, don’t fret. That’s just the gunk from your now-relaxed muscles and folds.
An Epsom salt bath is a full session in the tub. If you only have a shower, make an Epsom salt steam shower. Exfoliate your skin with an Epsom salt scrub.
Additives for any Epsom salt bath are permitted. Just check first for possible allergies. You can relax in an Epsom salt bath at any age. Though, be careful since a child might ingest some of the water. Lastly, do not put Epsom salt in a hot tub. For the best experience, use still water.