When you’re starting to feel some pain or even just stress, you get your Epsom salts ready. Making an Epsom salt bath is the easiest and most affordable thing you can make for your aching body. But, did you know you can do the same for your feet?
Give an Epsom salt foot soak a go by following these easy steps. Your feet will thank you in no time. Know more first about what an Epsom salt foot bath is below.
What Is an Epsom Salt Foot Bath?

You’ve heard of regular old Epsom salt baths before. A bath like this is great for letting your body relax and to ease any tension from your body. Now, imagine that but specifically for your feet. That’s basically what an Epsom salt foot bath is.
Your feet are susceptible to many problems, like fungal infections and skin conditions. Thankfully, they all can be solved with Epsom salt. So naturally, people have been adding Epsom salt foot baths to their regular treatment plans ever since.
An Epsom Salt Foot Bath: How to Do It

Are your feet aching? Do you feel your vein throbbing? Maybe you should try an Epsom salt bath for your feet. Particularly for arthritic feet or a foot injury, a good soak helps ease the pain.
What You’ll Need to Use:
- ½-¾ cup or 120-180 grams of Epsom salt
- Warm water for soaking
- A clean basin, big enough to submerge your feet
- A good lotion or moisturizer
- A couple of drops of your favourite essential oils, optional
- 1 tablespoon of carrier oil like coconut oil, or even unscented paraffin oil optional
What You’ll Need to Do:
- Get your basin ready. Fill it with warm water. Have enough water so that it can cover your feet and your ankles.
- Dissolve the Epsom salt. Adjust the water if you think it’s too hot or too cold.
- If you’re using essential oils, mix them in first with the carrier oil. Then, incorporate the oil mixture in the basin of Epsom salt and water.
- Sink your feet to soak in this solution. It should last from 20-30 minutes, depending on your needs.
- Once the time is up, dry your feet immediately.
- A possible side effect of soaking your feet in an Epsom salt bath is dry skin. Moisturize your feet with lotion after your foot bath.
- People who experience arthritis in their feet are recommended to soak their feet every 6-8 hours, or as needed for the pain.
Epsom Salt Foot Bath Benefits

If you’re thinking about preparing an Epsom salt foot bath, look no further than here. These are the benefits you can get from one simple Epsom salt foot soak. As you can see below, an Epsom salt foot bath is:
For Proper Cleaning
The powers of the magnesium in Epsom salt relax your skin and muscles. When this happens, the dirt in your nooks and crannies gets released. An Epsom salt foot bath cleans your feet as thoroughly as possible. In return, it also clears out bacteria, leaving your feet smelling better and fresher.
For Exfoliating Your Feet
The consistency of Epsom salt is paramount to its usefulness. Its coarseness, even in an Epsom salt foot bath, can exfoliate the dead skin from your feet. They’ll be less rough when you soak them long enough. Get ready for softer tootsies.
For Treatment and Pampering
With an Epsom salt foot bath having so many benefits, you might forget that it feels good on your feet. Remember those expensive spa days where they pamper your feet? You can now make a soothing foot soak in the comfort of your own home. You can make your own bath as often as you want, even customizing it to your preferences.
For Alleviating Muscle Pain
Unusual cramping, especially during the middle of the night, might be because you lack magnesium. Epsom salt, having both magnesium and sulfate, will be incorporated into your foot bath. You’ll then fully absorb these minerals, reducing muscle pain and inflammation.
For Better Circulation
That tingling sensation in your feet may mean that you have poor circulation. Maybe it’s time for a quick Epsom salt foot bath. The magnesium, coupled with the warm water, helps release your constricted blood vessels and veins.
Epsom Salt Foot Bath Restrictions

Epsom salt foot baths are safe for people of all ages, for the most part. However, there are still some occasions where you need to check.
As usual, check for allergies. Some people could be allergic to Epsom salt. If you are, use something else. The same goes with your add-ons, like essential oil.
People with kidney diseases or skin infections should think twice before making a soak of their own. If you have a mild kidney disease, you can but you still should consult with your doctor before doing anything. As for open wounds and other infections, it’s best not to risk it.
Moreover, people with diabetes are not recommended to use Epsom salt. Their high blood sugar levels cause their feet to be more dry than usual. Long Epsom salt foot soaks may damage their skin and open up a gash without the person noticing. Diabetics already have a hard time healing any wound, so this is not advisable.
On the other hand, some foot problems cannot be solved with an Epsom salt foot bath. If you experience any of the following, do seek a medical professional for additional guidance:
- Open cuts or sores
- Any redness or swelling
- Extreme foot discomfort
- Long-lasting food pain for one week
- Tenderness for an extended period after a foot injury
In Conclusion
Are you thinking about making an Epsom salt foot bath of your own? All you need is some warm water and Epsom salt in a basin. If you want something a little extra, add a few drops of essential oils. Use a carrier oil if you will use essential oils.
Maybe consider an Epsom salt bath for your feet. They properly clean your skin without hurting your skin. In fact, they exfoliate it. It can pamper your tootsies for your own personal spa day. Your feet will be soft, supple, and fresh.
Not to mention, a proper one makes muscle pain go away. The magnesium sulfate reduces cramping and inflammation. It also improves blood circulation throughout your extremities. Though, there are still some restrictions you need to check.
Some people may be allergic to Epsom salt or the add-ons you put in. People with kidney diseases, diabetes, or open wounds should also consult with their doctors before moving forward. If you have any concerns, always ask for help first.