The summer season is upon us! Time to get your swimsuits out for some fun under the sun. But wait, it’s not all fun and games. There are still a couple of things you need to be prepared for. Any time you’re out and about, better be safe than sorry.
The summer shouldn’t be all about the woes. That’s why this article is here, to guide you through any summer problems you may have, and the solutions you can take. Let’s dive in!
The Summer’s Common Problems and Their Solutions
1. Dehydration

What to Expect
As you might expect, the heat can get anybody parched fast. Your body temperature rises with your surrounding temp, making you sweat. You wanting a drink is your body’s way of telling you to stay hydrated.
What to Do?
Be mindful about drinking water. Trust your body. If it says you’re thirsty, drink some water. Always have your trusty water bottle with you. Keep refilling it when you can. As an adult, it’s recommended that you take around 11 to 15 cups of water per day. Though, you can drink other fluids, like smoothies and coconut water, for variation.
Moreover, your eyes get affected by the dry weather as well. Getting enough water helps with that, along with the use of hydrating eye drops.
2. Allergies

What to Expect
You may have heard that summer is allergy season for some people. It’s true, especially for allergens like pollen and mold.
There are specific allergies that go nuts during this time. Imagine sniffing grass or tree pollen, and then sneezing like crazy. Another example is some allergies that are linked to produce that are in season during this time.
What to Do?
When you’re going out, consider using a mask to cover your face and clothing that covers you well. It’s best to do whatever you need to do in the mornings as well. Keep in mind to shower once you’re back inside. Limiting your time outside is also an option.
You also need to talk to a healthcare professional like your family doctor about possible treatment options. They’ll even prescribe you the best antihistamine for your condition.
3. Heat Rashes

What to Expect
So, the summer heat makes you sweat a lot. But, what happens when your sweat gets caught in your skin? That’s what you call a heat rash. It’s most common for newborn babies to experience this since their sweat glands still need time to develop properly.
As for adults, it’s still a possibility. You’ll know you have it when you feel some red bumps or blisters on your skin. You can even feel a degree of warmth and/or itchiness. Hence its other name, prickly heat.
What to Do?
If you think you have a heat rash, here are the things you need to do. First off, give yourself a cool shower or bath as normal. Be careful to not overdo it, since your natural oils protect your skin.
Dry up any moisture from your skin. Then, go ahead and use your trusty calamine lotion. It will soothe any irritation. Put on rather loose clothing, preferably made out of cotton. Lastly, stay in a rather cool place with a good source of ventilation (air-conditioning or a nearby fan).
4. Bug Bites

What to Expect
Bugs are prevalent during the summer. The higher temperature encourages them to go out and about and multiply. With more bugs come more bug bites. The main culprits of this season include mosquitoes, hornets, and even bedbugs.
Even man’s best friends get a little surprise visit during the summer. Ticks and fleas are rampant too. Both you and your beloved pets are susceptible to a few scratches.
What to Do?
It depends on the type of bug bite. For the bug bites that hurt, an over-the-counter painkiller is recommended to lessen the sting. If the bite is swelling up, get an ice or cold pack.
As for the itchy kind of bug bites, you got three options:
- Anti-itch cream
- Antihistamine
- Ice or cold pack
5. Sunburns

What to Expect
It’s the ideal time to get the perfect tan under the sun. But, for only around 1-2 hours. More time baking means longer exposure to UV rays. These UV rays can be hot enough to leave you with a wicked sunburn or two if you’re not careful.
Sunburns are these patches on your skin that feel sore, tender, and itchy. They can be a deep red or not, depending on your skin type. They’ll soon flake off eventually. In the meantime, you can still do a couple of things to aid in the healing process.
What to Do?
Apart from staying hydrated, your body also needs the cooling effects of frequent showers or baths. After each shower, use a good moisturizer. Anything with soy or aloe vera works best. Not to mention, using a good burn gel or burn spray.
Expect to feel a bit of discomfort. When that happens, the humble ibuprofen or aspirin will do the job. Your sunburnt skin will need some extra care, like covering up while going out and letting any blisters heal.
6. Joint Discomfort

What to Expect
Another summertime dilemma is joint discomfort and/or pain. You might’ve noticed some slight aches, even pain, in your bones and muscles. It’s caused by humidity and the rising temperature, which leads to dehydration and inflammation of the joints.
This particular problem is more prominent among people with orthopedic disorders. Even with that fact, there’s still a possibility you’ll feel this discomfort regardless.
What to Do?
Since it is the summer, move your body. Work out indoors or under the shade to help your body loosen up. It will get you sweating, which prompts you to drink more fluids. Proper hydration helps as well, adding extra lubrication back to your aching joints.
The warm weather feels grand, but not for your limbs. When you can, especially during the hottest of days, keep yourself cool. You can do this by utilizing loose clothing and AC units.
7. Sleep Issues

What to Expect
Getting a good night’s sleep could be a little more difficult during this season than you think. You might’ve felt uneasiness when you’re trying to get some shuteye. It occurs more often when the temperatures are high and the sun is bright.
The increased number of daylight hours plays a significant role here. Melatonin only kicks in when the day turns into night. Summer is the time you get to socialize. It delays the time you eat, and in turn, makes you go to bed later than expected.
What to Do?
Use more flowy and lightweight materials for your clothing. It gets you comfy, which is the point. You can even start a nightly routine. It’ll jumpstart your relaxation process. Anything from a good book to read, to a nice warm bath. These quiet moments will surely put you in the right mood.
Prepare your room for the night as well. Use low lighting to darken your space. Set a consistent nighttime temperature. Ideally, it should be between 15.6-20℃. You’ll get the best results when you stick to your nightly schedule.
8. Digestive Problems

What to Expect
Tummy issues arise with the sudden rise of heat too. The intensity of the temperature slows down your body’s digestive system. Meaning, during the summer, your gut becomes weaker and sluggish.
These problems are due to the redirection of your blood flow. Your body is prioritizing regulating your body temperature over your other systems. Hence, the following issues:
- Food poisoning
- Gastroenteritis
- Constipation
- IBS (Irritable Bowel Movement)
- Abdominal pain
What to Do?
Your gut doesn’t agree with a lot of caffeinated and alcoholic beverages, as well as spicy and oily foods. It’s best to avoid them for the time being, Instead, opt for fresh fruits and vegetables. Produce such as watermelons and apples also aid in hydration.
Staying hydrated is crucial too, since it enhances your ability to absorb nutrients properly. You should also divide your bigger meals into smaller ones. Apart from that, adding probiotics is a great way to include gut-friendly bacteria in the mix.
9. Fainting Spells

What to Expect
A fainting spell, or heat syncope, is when you feel lightheaded or faint. As the name insinuates, it occurs mostly during hotter seasons or in warmer climates. Two other factors contribute to this condition.
One, if a person is stationary for too long. The heat gets to them. Their blood starts to settle towards your legs, lacking proper circulation everywhere else. And two, if a person is exercising too hard or too fast.
What to Do?
There are several ways you can prevent a fainting spell. Avoid alcohol, for one. Stay cool under the warm weather, sticking to the shade as much as possible. Try to regularly exercise as well. Wear ideal clothing that’s loose on the body but covers the individual from the sun’s rays.
However, once a person faints, you need to work fast. Get them out of the sun. You need a shaded space to help lower the person’s temperature. Let them lie down or sit up while you give them fluids and monitor their vitals. Elevate their legs if you can. Use smelling salts to wake them up in a pinch.
10. Heat Stroke

What to Expect
If somebody is under the sun for too long, then a heat stroke could potentially happen. The heat outside can rise higher and higher until your body can’t take it anymore. There’s also a chance it can occur if you weren’t able to manage someone’s fainting spell.
Heat stroke is when a person’s body cannot regulate its temperature properly anymore. The elderly, young kids, pregnant women, and people who are overweight and have pre-existing medical conditions are the most susceptible.
What to Do?
Keeping cool by staying hydrated and in the chill indoors are your best options. During the hottest days, be careful not to overexert yourself. Incorporate smaller and more frequent meals, including some cold ones like salad. Put on baggy clothing made out of light fabrics for
Heat stroke can happen suddenly, and it is indeed a medical emergency. Immediately call 998 for an ambulance if someone is having a heat stroke. Acquire a good cold pack to help balance the person’s rapidly rising temperature. Take them under the shade, giving them plenty of water.
Make sure that they’re comfortable on their side, checking their breathing. You should also check their vitals while waiting for the ambulance to arrive. If you have any other questions, the person on the line will gladly help you with the steps.
In Conclusion
Summertime is the best time of the year, but it’s not without its hiccups. Because of the hot season, some complications arise. These possible complications are dehydration, allergies, heat rashes, bug bites, sunburns, joint discomfort, sleep issues, digestive problems, fainting spells, and heat stroke.
Considering that it’s rather balmy, your best shot is to get hydrated properly. Water is the best option, but sports drinks and juices work just as well. Generally speaking, proceed to shaded areas or indoors (preferably with working AC units and/or proper ventilation) when things get too hot. In addition to that, a proper diet and regular exercise further support your wellbeing.
When somebody experiences a fainting spell or heat stroke, you gotta work fast. Get them to the shade and help them get comfortable. Check their vitals while cooling their body temp down. If they’re conscious, provide water as well.
In whatever season it may be, nothing should stop you from enjoying your time. It shouldn’t stop you from enjoying yourself, with the people dearest to you.