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Depending on what you do as a job or as a hobby, you can take some safety precautions. Whether you’re clumsy or just into motorcycles, you can’t guarantee your safety 24/7. If you get hurt in any way, it’s reassuring to know that you have options, like physiotherapy. 

In this instalment of physiotherapy-treated injuries, we are delving into the complicated section of head & neck injuries.

The Head & Neck Injuries Treated by Physiotherapy

Head Injuries

A person’s head is the source of almost every bodily sense you have. It’s also primarily the part of you that protects your brain, the powerhouse of your body. It controls every aspect of you, including what you’re unaware of. That’s what makes the head crucial. 

A head injury, from a small bump to a deep cut, can be dangerous if not treated properly. Check with a medical professional, including a physiotherapist, if you sustain any of the following head injuries: 

  • Balance Issues 
  • Concussion 
  • Tension Headaches
  • Dizziness
  • Vertigo or Benign Paroxysmal Positional Vertigo (BPPV) 

Neck Injuries

Moving on to the neck, the head stabiliser. The muscles in your neck support the head and all the movements you make with it. They help you eat and swallow. Most importantly, these muscles help you breathe. 

Unlike the rest of your spine, the neck is more exposed to the outside elements because of its position. If you experience neck pain or any of the following neck injuries, physiotherapy can alleviate the aches: 

  • Acute Wry Neck Pain (Torticollis) 
  • Cervical Postural Syndrome
  • Pinched Nerve
  • Nerve Root Pain
  • Repetitive Strain 
  • Slipped Disc (Disc Prolapse)
  • Stiff Neck 
  • Whiplash or Whiplash Associated Disorder (WAD)

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