Pro Calf Stretcher – Advanced Device for Calf Stretching & Flexibility

AED 50.00


  • Has adjustable stretching angles
  • Has a back heel plate
  • The design is biomechanically engineered
  • Contains Slip Resistance Pads
  • Provides for customized stretching


The ProStretch Plus Calf Stretcher comes with a rocker boot style which maximizes the stretching motion. The adjustable stretching angles provide for gradual, even and effective stretching. The Calf Stretcher has a back heel plate which prevents the user’s foot from slipping. The foot plate also ensures that it allows for proper foot alignment. The rocker also has a mid foot gap which works as an ankle strengthening device. The calf stretcher has rubber strips beneath it. As a result, it does not slip on any kind of surface.

The ProStretch Plus Calf Stretcher has a design which is biomechanically engineered. One can use it both as a calf and foot stretcher. The device has an exclusive removable toe lift. This delivers maximum toe and plantar fascia stretch. As a result, the product is perfect for engaging the entire connective chain of the lower leg. The ProStretch Rocker comes with a user guide to help you understand its functionality.

You can use this rocker to relieve and prevent-

  • Plantar  Fasciitis
  • Tight Hamstrings
  • Tight Calves
  • Achilles Tendonitis
  • Heel Pain


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