Power-Web Combo

AED 239.00

Power-Web Combo helps rehab and strengthen your hand, wrist, or forearm in a fun and interesting way. This round web stretches with your fingers to help develop strength, dexterity, and range of motion. The Power-Web Combo features two resistance levels in one for increased training. The Combo webs are available in extra light and medium, light and heavy, medium and super heavy, and heavy and ultra-heavy resistance levels.


The Power-Web Combo features a unique advantage of two resistance levels in one, as opposed to most other bands.

When alternating between high and low resistance during exercise, allows you to increase intensity without retraction (by performing at low resistance first).

A built-in webbing loop allows for easy fluid movement between exercises.

This band combo pack is great for any trainer who wants total freedom of movement in the gym.

The Power-Web hand exerciser is fun to use because it allows you to grip, release, and squeeze.

It incorporates the use of resistance bands and springs in several different modes.

The handles are contoured to provide maximum comfort while exercising. Your hands will love this clever device thanks to its simplicity and intuitive design.

Panasonic’s exclusive Power-Web Combo packs all the features of a traditional bow and crossbow in one compact, safe and powerful system.

From the ease of cocking and unloading to the incredible accuracy from both firing modes;

The Power-Web Combo is suitable for individuals with disabilities or those who have mobility issues in their hands, wrists, or shoulders due to arthritis or other conditions.

providing you the information on how to use this Power-Web by just simply clicking how.

You can also track the meter of your pulse per minute after using this hand trainer in Fingertip Pulse Oximeter.

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